Unlimited Bandwidth.
MySQL databases.
SPF email records.
Custom MX record.
Password-protected files.
Auto Scripts Installers.
Addon domains.
Free Web Site Statistics.
Instant activation with a .CU.CC sub-domain.
Limited PHP sendmail (for activation emails only).
Website builder with hundreds of free web page templates.
WYSIWYG web site editor.
30-days Inactivity limit.
Multiple accounts allowed.
VistaPanel (Vista Panel) control panel.
File uploading manager (browser web-based upload).
Php flags manager.
Maximum file size limit restricted to 10 MB.
Softaculous automatic 1-click PHP script installers.
10 Subdomains from a choice of many domain names.
Parked domains.
Edit CNAME records.
Unmetered MySQL space.
Domain redirection manager.
Diskspace, Web Site Traffic, CPU stats.
IP address deny manager.
Hosted on fully managed clustered servers.